Halton Parish Council is a statutory consultee for all planning applications within Halton Parish. Once notified of a planning application, the Parish Council has 21 days to make its response to the Local Planning Authority, in our case Buckinghamshire Council. The Parish Council’s response must be based on clear planning considerations, i.e. the policies in the Development Plan. The Development Plan for Halton consists of Buckinghamshire Council’s Local Plan, known as the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) and Halton Neighbourhood Plan which currently in draft form and following a public consultation and it is planned to be finalised and approved in 2023.
Residents are very welcome to make representations about planning applications to the Parish Council, either by contacting the Clerk prior to a Parish Council meeting or by attending the meeting and using the Open Forum section to make their views known to the Councillors before the planning application is discussed and a response agreed.