A year in review 2023
![Halton Parish Council A year in review 2023 Halton Parish Council A year in review 2023](http://cms.hugofox.com//resources/images/3712a507-3229-4866-8376-c5603ab724c0.png)
Looking back on 2023, many achievements by Halton Parish Council with the support of volunteers are in the highlights to follow.
Much hard work goes on behind the scenes with many projects in the pipeline. Please enjoy this view on HPC in 2023. Remember, parishioners are always welcome to email the council, contribute to the newsletter, and attend the bi-monthly meetings.
Parishioners Light Up Social Events
A call out for parishioners to help create and coordinate events for the community of Halton Village launched in 2023 with the Autumn Wine Tasting and Bingo evenings in the village hall. More to come.
Coronation of King Charles III Bunting got competitive and HPC awarded a delightful hamper and blue plaque to the winners at 9 Halton Village. Well done all!
Village Hall Revival & Community Board Thank You!
The revival of the village hall includes a boost in bookings, a new bookings clerk, the ‘real-time’ calendar on the newly launched HPC website, social activities supported by parishioners, and a Community Board grant for the damp repairs. In addition, a new hall sign with our 2022 logo revamp is in the making.
Halton Parish to receive Nuffield Pavilion
In March Bucks Council announced that HPC will receive the Nuffield and its sports fields because of the business case put forward by HPC. Keep your eyes peeled on the newsletter, and Facebook page for updates.
The Parish Roads Stuart Holcroft joined HPC and is supporting Sue Barber in her highways role. These two volunteers look after the MVAS (mobile vehicle activated signs) signs downloading data and creating reports enabling the PC to monitor speeds and traffic volume. The year also reported potholes, overhanging vegetation, pavements issues and worn-out white lines, floods amongst other projects. The chevron on the sharp bend was re-installed promptly due to HPC moving swiftly.
Queen’s Green Canopy In February HPC planted a crab apple tree as part of the scheme to celebrate her platinum jubilee, along with a commemorative plaque made by veterans.
Normal Church Services St Michael’s Our Remembrance Day service moved to the Church and standing room only. Proudly hosting communion, christenings, funerals, weddings, also Summer afternoon teas fund raising.
Tower Restoration Project for stonework similar to Windsor Castle and softer Bath sandstone, received grants from Bucks Historic Churches Trust and the Benefact Trust, local donations, and 2023 reserves. We will see the work underway in early 2024.
Music in Quiet Places Beautiful music, surroundings, canapes and company were on the agenda in June and August. Another success was brimming in the acoustic and village-esque St Michael's Church. Two concerts followed the idyllic village history walk.
Churchyard upkeep across almost three acres maintained by contractors, and volunteers for Commonwealth War graves (CWG;s) and Service graves. Spring 2024 tours of the CWG's will commence from the work efforts in 2023.
RAF volunteers 19 in number with tools donated by the local community carried out hedge trimming, grave tidying and clipping, building a paved base for a wooden bench and straightening grave stones.
Meadow Mania planting in Spring & Autumn Wild flower plug plants at Moor Park were sown in Spring, wild flower seeds and yellow rattle (to suppress the grass) in verges around the village in Autumn.
Commonwealth War Graves.
We have over a hundred Commonwealth War Graves in the churchyard, and this year we put up a sign on the date telling visitors that there are CWG’s in the churchyard. In discussions with them they have proposed and we have agreed they can run tours of the graves in the churchyard. They plan to start in the Spring.
Technology takes HPC into a new future. Modernised IT/finance systems, cloud-based resources, hall booking system, and a new website launched in 2023. A huge well done to Fiona our Parish Clerk - Quite a future proof change for HPC!
Sustainability and the village pot grown Christmas tree. HPC were delighted to have kept it alive, and here it is outside the Village Hall dressed for its second Christmas in the village.
The List of Thank You’s & Recognition of Support
To the Community Board where much time, funding, and effort happens where bidding from the councillors for grants directly support community projects.
Buckinghamshire Ward Councillors - Richard Newcombe, Steve Bowles and Peter Strachan for supporting HPC with help and advice.
To Alex and Andy for maintaining MVAS and providing the data. To Paul for putting the quarterly newsletter together for printing.
To Aimee, Ele, Daniya, Jean and Paran for setting up Halton Socials, delivering superb fun and authentic community events in the village hall.
To the parishioners who came forward when HPC called out with an event initiative at the village hall.
Gratitude goes to the Halton Parish Councillors who give their free time and energy to supporting the parish council.
Get in touch. We are here to support and promote projects that matter in the community of Halton Parish, Bucks.
Contact details: bookingsclerk@halton-pc.gov.uk 07565 797049